Monday, January 29, 2018

Think Like A Millionaire!

Do you want to be a millionaire? If your goal is be be rich and be a millionaire, i think it should start with mindset. A good book I recommend to read is "Top 10 Distinctions Between Millionaires and the Middle Class".

The book is easy to understand and follow. It offers good insight  on how to change the way we think and do things. The advice gives you a more positive and empowering view point that a lot of us may not be accustomed to.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Things To Make Sure Are Clear Before Starting A NEW Business

You've got an idea for a brand new business, and you're all set to take the challenge. However, you have queries. How to open or start a new business? How much will your startup capital be? What measures do you take to start a new business? Here are the checklist on starting a new business you should be clear about...

Also if you plan to open a franchise business, you should check this video.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Ways RICH People Think Differently About Money

Talking about wealth and money is a sensitive topic for many people. If you are one of them, chances are, you are holding on to negative beliefs that you picked up from those around.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

How To Retire RICH ...

Many people are finding it harder and harder to retire at 65 and live comfortably. We have to face the fact that the cost of living is growing faster than ever.  

We save in our 401ks in the hope of being able to retire rich.  And dream of spending our golden years in enjoyment, surrounded by our family.

Check this article on what you should do to retire comfortably at the age of 65 or earlier.